Gluten Free Journey

Tonight I spent my night enjoying a completely gluten free/ paleo date night with my honey. We decided to make 2 recipes out of the “Against All Grain” book I recently discovered. If you are thinking about doing the paleo diet or going gluten free this is an amazing book to pick up, the recipes are amazing. We made a roasted veggie and chicken soup with a zucchini bread for desert! I hate dieting sometimes but not when I can eat delicious food like I had tonight. Seriously, gluten free makes me feel like a completely different person. I have more energy, I’m more focused and best of all I feel and look amazing. Gluten is so unbelievably bad for you this day in age and I know first hand what it can do to your body. I have been gluten free for about 3 months now and I haven’t even thought about going back. I will forever be gluten free because it has truly changed my life and health. I used to be obsessed with anything that had gluten in it; cookies, brownies, bread, pizza. You name it, I would binge eat it. I was always sick but nobody could figure out why. I was a hypochondriac to everyone around me but I knew something wasn’t right with my body and I wasn’t going to stop until I figured out why I was feeling that way. I ended up going to a holistic doctor and he changed my life. I was severely depressed, I took medication for my anxiety, I was always bloated and sick to my stomach, I had arthritis pain, acid reflex, back-acne, allergies, and worst of all CHRONIC fatigue. I was in hell, I hated my life and I was physically incapable of having a normal human relationship with anyone. This doctor put me on an elimination diet: No grains, No gluten, No corn, No potatoes, No coffee, No sugar, No Dairy, No processed food. It sounds like the worst diet imaginable and at first it was but once i started eating clean I noticed my skin looked better, my hair felt better, my excess body fat was melting away, I didn’t have any bloating or stomach complications, I didn’t have acid reflex and best of all I had energy and I was happy!! It was the most amazing feeling. I can’t even put it into words how good It felt to be happy again and functional.  I was on that diet for 2 weeks and then I was allowed to add back in gluten free brown rice and gluten free grains. I added those back in but I honestly fell off the band wagon during the holidays and such. I’m just now getting back to sugar free (nobody’s perfect) because I found “Against All Grains”. You need fun meal ideas to keep you motivated or it is really east to fall off the wagon. If you are considering going gluten free please ask me questions! I would love to answer what I can and support you in your GF journey! I hope this blurb was helpful in someway. If you are feeling like I was 3 months ago then you have nothing to lose by trying a GF/paleo diet and you have everything to gain.


Gluten Free Journey

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